
Harbour Update – posted 16/09/19

It looked as if it could have been a good ‘fall’ morning with low cloud cover and a light northerly wind but sadly it wasn’t to be. There was still a nice variety of species logged from across the harbour. At Little Sea, Studland a Great White Egret was seen leaving the heron roost. At Lytchett Bay 2 Osprey circled together around lunch time and another was seen in Middlebere. There were 2 Hobby seen in Middlebere with 1 Marsh Harrier and c60 Avocet and another Hobby seeing off a Buzzard in the Piddle Valley where a Green Sandpiper was on the river. On the Brownsea Lagoon it was reported that up to 38 Spoonbill were present. In the PCW Drain 1 Whitethroat and numerous Chiffchaff and a Blackcap were feeding in the blackberry bushes. At Lytchett Fields the Little Stint was still present along with 2 Ruff and the Little Ringed Plover also a decent count of 56 Yellow Wagtail. On Poole Quay the first Kingfisher of the autumn was present on the quay front, hopefully several more will join it over the coming weeks.

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