
Harbour Update – posted 16/08/24

We were thankful that last nights murk and mank had passed during the night, leaving a clear still dawn for our 7am Osprey Cruise this AM. We were treated to an absolute show when an un-ringed female Osprey caught a fish off the back of the boat, only to be then chased down by the resident female White-tailed Eagle, G466, whom we had been watching off the side of the boat as she sat and observed the landscape. This is the first proper time we’ve witnessed the sequence of an Osprey catching a fish, the pursuit of an eagle and then the surrender of the eagle who soon gave up after a few minutes of chasing. The eagle then also had the decency to come and land back down on the shoreline close to the boat, giving us great views of her pure white tail. We also witnessed a few other Ospreys active in the channel, as well as newly arrived fresh juvenile Marsh Harrier. We then ventured over to Brownsea, passing the male White-tailed Eagle along the way which was sat out on Patchin’s Point, Arne. The Brownsea Lagoon hosted 20 Spoonbill, c200 Dunlin, 33 Ringed Plover, 4 Grey Plover, still only 1 Avocet, 7 Sanderling and 6 Turnstone. In Brands Bay this afternoon a Golden Plover was out on the mud (a good August recod). In the PCW Drain at Holes Bay this AM there were 3 Garden Warbler, 6 Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler, 5 Blackcap and a Kingfisher opposite KFC. At the Carey Secret Garden ringing station 4 Tree Pipit were ringed along with 27 Sedge Warbler and a single Grasshopper Warbler. Today marked the day of a full months ringing at this new ringing station, and the results are quite staggering with 102 Grasshopper Warbler ringed along with 912 Sedge Warbler, 12 Nightjar and TEN controls (birds ringed elsewhere) including Dutch and French ringed Sedge Warblers. A new Marsh Harrier entered the harbour this afternoon (a 2nd cal year male?), 2 Hobby were Arne Hill, a Yellow Wagtail and 3 Crossbill were over Morden Bog and a few Yellow Wagtail were on Wareham Common. A Wheatear was on the sea wall at Poole Quay.

Tree Pipit – Carey Secret Garden Ringing Station

White-tailed Eagle chasing un-ringed Osprey fro Osprey Cruise this AM – Alison Copland

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