
Harbour Update – posted 16/06/16

Today saw a really nice mix of birds (for mid-summer at least). Highlight was a Honey Buzzard that drifted over Godlingston Heath mid afternoon. At Lytchett Fields there were clear signs autumn migration was just around the corner with the first returning Green Sandpiper with 3 present. These are most likely first year, failed breeders it being so early in the season but as June turns into July more and more Green Sandpiper will arrive with peak usually around early August of up to 15 birds. Also on site was 1 juv Stonechat, presumably venturing away from Holton Lee, 11 Lapwing, 10 Teal and 50+ Black-tailed Godwit. In Poole Town a Ring-necked Parakeet flew over calling and a Red Kite drifted over Sandy Lane, Upton. From Hamworthy Park, looking out across to Arne 4 1st summer Med Gulls were on the water and central harbour was busy with feeding Common and Sandwich Terns.

First returning Green Sandpiper – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

Black-tailed Godwits – Lytchett Fileds – Ian Ballam

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