
Harbour Update – posted 16/01/20

To say today’s urban bird walk was blustery would be an understatement. The winds were fierce and the rain drenching. But the birding was fantastic! The recent storms meant large numbers of birds were seeking shelter in the harbour and a relatively calm Poole Park produced superb views of a juvenile Great Northern Diver, male Red-breasted Merganser and 5 Goldeneye. Another Great Northern Diver was recorded distantly off Baiter Beach. Turnstone could be found along the Quay, with many feeding among the large flocks of Brent GooseStarling and Oystercatcher on Baiter Park. Smaller numbers of Black-tailed GodwitBar-tailed Godwit Redshank and Greenshank were also feeding at Baiter. An enjoyable visit to PC World Drain this morning produced c10 Chiffchaff, including one in full song and the Siberian Chiffchaff showed very well, calling twice. The Lytchett Fields Water Pipit was still present long with the 4 Spotted Redshank at Middlebere. This monrning saw 16 Spoonbill feeding out in Wareham Channel and a ringtail Hen Harrier quartering over Arne Moors. With huge auk movements off Portland Bill in the last few days (c30,000/hour early morning on 13th and min. 50,000 yesterday) there may well be big movements elsewhere along the Dorset coast. A seawatch from Branksome could be very fruitful…

Red-breasted Merganser – Poole Park – Clare Slade

Siberian Chiffchaff – PC World Drain – Paul Morton

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