
Harbour Update – posted 14/05/23

What started off as a beautiful day today ended up rather frustrating as we headed out for our first Puffin Cruise of the season this evening, setting off in near perfect conditions, only to be met by a blanket of thick fog at Swanage meaning we couldn’t continue our journey west towards the colony for safety reasons. In transit we did manage 2 Eider off Pilots Point, a 2nd summer and a female. There was also an adult Peregrine on the cliffs at Ballard, 4 Gannet in Poole Bay and a slow cruise past the Brownsea Lagoon saw c20 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Avocet, 2 dark-bellied Brent Geese, 1 Dunlin, c200 Sandwich Tern and c150 Common Tern. This morning 2 White-tailed Eagle were interacting over RSPB Arne, and looking at the data it seemed to have been females G466 and G801 having a territorial dispute! There were also sightings of Red Kite over Arne today and a Cuckoo there too. A Spoonbill was off Shipstal Point, 1 Hobby was over Hydes Heath and Nightjars were heard contact calling over Hartland this evening.

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