
Harbour Update – posted 14/03/16

A glorious sun filled day, but still no sign of many spring migrants. At Lytchett Fields 6 Water Pipit remained with a Peregrine overhead, plus a falcon species wearing jessei’s, who’s ID we couldn’t figure out. At around midday a Red Kite passed over Agglestone Rock, Studland and off Studland beach, 2 Great Northern Diver were feeding with a single Black-necked Grebe and 16 Sanderling were on the beach with 9 later in Brands Bay. From the Chain Ferry 3 Sandwich Tern were counted and at North Haven 2 Purple Sandpiper were on the rocks. Some night monitoring from Lytchett Bay produced another Coot for the year (4 in total now). This species is considered a very scarce visitor to Lytchett Bay but it seems is a regular migrant over the bay during early spring. 

Firecrest – Poole Harbour North – Paul Morton

Chiffchaff – Poole Harbour North – Paul Morton

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