
Harbour Update – posted 13/12/16

The Cattle Egret that was found late yesterday evening was found first thing in the cattle field on your right as you head down Holme Lane from the Springfield Hotel end. It was feeding with 12 Little Egret before moving off to the next field along feeding amongst and on the cattle (as photographed excellently by Ian Ballam). Within the same first field a flock of c10 Woodlark were feeding with a large Chaffinch flock and 2 Firecrest were in the woods next to the field. Another night ringing session in the Lower Frome Valley near Swineham produced 5 new Woodcock ringed and c20 seen along with 3 Jack Snipe. At the PC World Drain 3 collybita Chiffchaff were feeding on the waterline, there has to be either a tristis or Yellow-browed Warbler over-wintering in there somewhere! At Arne 21 Spoonbill were on Shipstal and a Great Northern Diver was off Shipstal Beach with Goldeneye and Red-breasted Merganser.

Cattle Egret – Holme Lane – Paul Morton

Cattle Egret – Holme Lane – Ian Ballam

Woodcock – Frome Valley – Paul Morton

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