
Harbour Update – posted 13/10/19

A drizzly start to the morning but some afternoon sunny spells brightened up the afternoon today. Brownsea Lagoon recorded several wader species including c16 Curlew, c44 AvocetBlacktailed GodwitDunlin and Redshank and several duck species including TealShoveler and Wigeon.

Merlin was seen chasing Meadow Pipit at Middlebere whilst over at the hide a Great White Egret, c350 AvocetBlacktailed GodwitGrey Sandpiper, 4 Spotted Redshank, 19 Lapwing, 8 Swallow, 10 Pintail and abundant and Teal and Wigeon were spotted.

A sea-watcher at Branksome Chine saw 6 Manx Shearwater, 2 Juvenile Kittiwake and a Gannet, whilstthe Osprey that has been spotted this week is still on Pergins Island, Holes Bay. The Peregrine has also been spotted at Asda (Holes Bay).

Not a lot recorded at Lytchett Fields with only a Redwing logged. 1 Mediterranean Gull and 218Oystercatcher at Baiter Park today.

A Merlin was seen chasing starlings at Swineham Point and plenty of Blacktailed Godwit were feeding on the Frome and Piddle Flood plain. Sunnyside Scrape has very high water levels with TealGadwall, 2 Little Egret and 5 Blackcap.

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