
Harbour Update – posted 12/02/17

There have already been a good number of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker sightings this ‘spring’ and today produced another likely sighting at Lytchett Fields in the same area one was photographed this time last year. Between now and the end of March is a great time to try and find this now very scarce woodpecker, and by listening to their distinct drumming sound is a good way to try track them down in large old mature deciduous woodlands. At Swineham the 11 Barnacle Geese were on the main pit and in Poole Harbour mouth a Great Northern Diver was feeding with a Razorbill near by.  At Lytchett Fields a nice sight of 12 Spoonbill out on the fields was slightly out of the blue and a Hen Harrier hunted quite actively around the site for part of the day with Spotted Redshank, Common Redshank, Lesser Yellowlegs and Greenshank all in the bay on the low tide. 

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Drumming – Poole Harbour – Mark Constantine & The Sound Approach 

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