
Harbour Update – posted 11/03/20

We can’t wait for this wind to die down, as we’re pretty sure it’s that simple break in the weather that will allow the first decent flurry of migrants to come in. It’s pretty amazing that It’s now March 11th and Dorset still hasn’t seen any Sand Martin or Wheatear yet, suggesting that the wind is keeping them at bay. The class on our school bird boat were treated to views of a Red Kite this morning as it entered the harbour over Sandbanks, soaring west over the harbour towards Brownsea Island and Arne and a second over Canford Heath. As the boat skirted around Brownsea, the lucky group also enjoyed views of a Great Northern Diver offshore. Among the many waders on Brownsea Lagoon, highlights included 2 Spotted Redshank, 8 Greenshank, 110 Bar-tailed Godwit, 36 Knot, 520 Dunlin, 150 Avocet and 30 Mediterranean Gull. With a handful of Spoonbill visiting the Lagoon over the last fews days, it’s certainly worth a visit as spring starts to ramp up. The Holton Lee the Little Owl was captured on camera this morning, this bird is regularly calling at the moment, offering a great opportunity to catch a glimpse of this diminutive owl. At the PC World Drain, 5 Common Chiffchaff were singing as was the male Blackcap, but there was no sign of the Siberian Chiffchaff. Off Baiter there was a single Great Northern Diver, c50 Med Gulls and 3 Turnstone. The Great Grey Shrike was at Morden Bog still along with several Crossbill. An Osprey was seen only 25 miles away this morning, cruising over Southampton at 9.41am! The harbour’s first wave of migrants are only days away…

The male and female Peregrines at Holes Bay continued to show great interested in the high rise section of the ASDA building. This recent activity is showing promising signs for a potential breeding attempt.

We will be running a free Peregrine Pop Up event this Sunday to help interpret and hopefully provide superb views of these impressive birds of prey. Join us anytime between 10am and 4pm on Sunday (15th March), where we will have several spotting scopes and binoculars primed, ready to enjoy these cracking birds. You’ll find us near the ASDA charity recycling banks in the ASDA car park.

Little Owl – Holton Lee – Tony Furnell

Spotted Redshank – Brownsea Lagoon – Hamish Murray

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