
Harbour Update – posted 11/03/17

Well with the shift in the wind and the lingering low cloud cover it definitely had that hint of spring migration in the air. It wasn’t long before Wheatears began to get reported with males seen on Shell Beach, South Haven, Coombe Heath, Arne and Middlebere just after dawn. Then not before long, the bird of the day was found, although sadly on a piece of private land. However, todays Hoopoe (as anti-social as it was) was a good message to get and try to find others of your own as there will be others…they just need finding. The whole day was themed all around arrivals and departures when at dusk at Swineham the springs first Little Ringed Plover flew down towards the point calling as it went, when roughly at the same time, the 11 Swineham Barnacle Geese upped and left in the dark, heading north. At Lytchett Fields both the Green-winged Teal and Lesser Yellowlegs were on the fields and it seems the 4 Corfe Mullen Waxwing have finally decided to move when they (some) were found on Northbrook Road, Poole BH18 8HD. The Pilots Point Snow Bunting did put in a couple of appearances, but the fog and murk made it tricky to track down. Also at Pilots Point were the Eider, several Black-necked Grebe and a Fulmar with 5 Common Scoter south from South Haven also 25+ Sanderling and 1 Sandwich Tern. Its always great seeing birds out of context too, which was highlighted perfectly this morning when a freshly arrived Stonechat decided a dog poo bin was a good substitute for a pine tree as it made landfall at the Baiter car park, Poole. A cracking adult male Hen Harrier was seen near Hartland heading towards Corfe early morning. In the Wytch Channel 9 Spoonbill were feeding. Great Grey Shrikeswere on Hartland Moor and another near the Wytch Causeway. There was also a great count of 10 Great Crested Grebe at Hatch Pond today. 

Freshly arrived Meadow Pipit – Studland


Freshly arrived Stonechat – Baiter car park, Poole

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