
Harbour Update – posted 11/02/22

It’s warming up and there were more signs of spring today. Woodlark were singing at a couple of traditional sites and the first singing Blackcap of the spring was heard in Oakdale. Buzzard were in full display mode and at Arne Dartford Warbler were sub-singing. In Holes Bay there were 3036 Black-tailed Godwit which is a great February total, 180 Avocet, 1220 Wigeon and 807 Teal. In Middlebere 2 Spotted Redshank were feeding on the low tide, 4 Black-necked Grebe were in Shell Bay. Firecrest seem to be everywhere at the moment, with individuals turning up at multiple sites including in private gardens at urban sites such as Oakdale, but totals of 2 or more were logged at the PCW drain, Upton CP, Norden sewage works, Swineham and Knoll Beach, Studland. There are still decent numbers of Marsh Harrier around with 2 in Lytchett Bay, 2 in Middlebere and 4 at Swineham. White-tailed Eagles were lurking too with 2 in and around the Wareham Channel area.

Spotted Redshank – Middlebere 

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