
Harbour Update – posted 11/01/20

The high tide and strong winds at Middlebere produced highlights of Merlin and ringtail Hen Harrier, large flocks of Wigeon and Teal, c50 Brent Goose, c20 Curlew, c30 Dunlin, 10 Pintail, c300 Avocet and numerous Redshank. A Pochard was among the Tufted Duck and Gadwall at Hatch Pond this morning. The Great Grey Shrike showed well on Morden Bog this morning around Decoy Pond. Also noted were 3 Stonechat, c70 Redwing and 4 Siskin. A Blackcap visited garden feeders in Parkstone, keep an eye out for these increasingly regaular over-wintering warblers.

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