
Harbour Update – posted 10/11/16

Very few reports today, although what is great is that there are obvious opportunities to see great birds around the harbour, with a little bit of ‘scouting out’ and exploring. The inner, sheltered bays in the south of the harbour such as Brands and Bramble Bush Bay are holding Grey Plover, Turnstone, Ringed Plover (on low tides) and on the water, Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser and Brent Geese, all of which offer great, close viewing opportunities with a bit of field craft. The Studland Beaches will now hold Black-necked Grebe right the way through to March whilst other species such as divers and sea-ducks will come and go like the days, so you just never know what you’ll see on any given visit.  Lytchett Bay/Fields still hosts the Lesser Yellowlegs, along with a newly arrived Ruff but the whole Lytchett Bay area can be good right the way through the winter waders, wildfowl and birds of prey. And, although they’re not back yet, it won’t be long until our small over-wintering Purple Sandpiper flock comes back to North Haven, Sandbanks. 

Grey Plover – Jerry’s point, Brands Bay – Simon Kidner 


Turnstone – Jerry’s point, Brands Bay – Simon Kidner 

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