
Harbour Update – posted 10/11/14

Saturdays blow passed through pretty quickly and the hope that a Little Auk may get found in the harbour somewhere didn’t come to fruition, although there’s still plenty of time for that to happen. Starting with the Poole Harbour raptors there are still two ringtail Hen Harrier about, but it seems the male that was present for a short time last week has now moved through. 7 Marsh Harrier were seen leaving the roost and 2 Merlin were out over Arne Moors. In total there were 24 Black-necked Grebe counted with 23 in Studland Bay and 1 in Bramble Bush Bay, there were also 9 Common Scoter in Studland Bay, 3 Ring-necked Parakeet near Fort Henry and 3 Dartford Warbler near the toll booth at the chain ferry. The fields around Swineham, Bestwall and Arne Moors are extremely flooded at the moment and are holding good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing , Curlew, Graylag and Canada Geese. Along the old tram line up on Hartland there were 3 Ring Ouzel feeding in hawthorn along with newly arrived Fieldfare, Redwing, Song Thrush and Blackbird

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Harbour Update – posted 17/10/24

This morning heralded the first proper Redwing arrival of the autumn with flocks ranging between 20 -200 individuals…

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Harbour Update – posted 16/10/24

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