
Harbour Update – posted 10/06/15

Several searches for the elusive eagle were conducted from in and around the harbour but to no avail. Birds encountered in the process though included 2 Crossbill over Slepe Heath, 3 Egyptian Geese in the Wareham Channel, Woodlark, Tree Pipit and Dartford all still vocally active on and around Hartland and plenty of Swift passing through. At RSPB Lytchett Fields 2 adult Little Ringed Plover were back on the fields. We still can’t work out if these are new birds that keep turning up or the same two that are possibly breeding on site. There was a Ringed Plover out in the bay today and a Lesser Whitethroat on territory at Turlin. There were Spoonbill reported in Middlebere today and there are still good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit commuting between various feeding zones in the harbour. A Red Kite was over the Bakers Arms roundabout yesterday which was just one of what seems to be a national influx over the last few days. With these nice clear sky’s keep looking up, as Cornwall had 185+ pass over on Monday alone.

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