
Harbour Update – posted 09/11/22

At this time of year, our nocturnal ringing really picks up, using thermal imaging equipment to aid the process, making identifying and finding birds in the field much easier. We haven’t been successful in trialling this technique during the day before, but after accidentally flushing a Jack Snipe in the lower Piddle Valley earlier in the week, we returned to see if we could re-find it today using the thermal imaging scope. We had success, catching our first daytime Jack Snipe, which we then processed. We’re looking forward to getting started with our Nocturnal Ringing Demos later this month.

Otherwise, sightings have been quiet so far today, with the highlight of a Gannet flying into the harbour, headed between Brownsea and Furzey this afternoon. Peregrine activity has been reported throughout the day from Poole Town, Holes Bay and in the lower Piddle Valley.

Jack Snipe – Lower Piddle Valley



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