A mundane Friday burst into life at fist light when a Short-eared Owl was seen high over Arne Moors getting harassed by corvids whilst at roughly the same time, the first Hen Harrier of the winter passed over Lytchett Heath in the form of an adult female. If that wasn’t enough there were 53 Spoonbill on the Brownsea Lagoon mid-morning with the Great White Egret feeding in amongst them. A Firecrest, 10 Chiffchaff and 8 Blackcap were at the PC World drain. At RSPB Lytchett Fields there were 2 settled Lesser Redpoll, 6 Greenshank, 3 Green Sandpiper and 60+ Reed Bunting. A ringing session at Lytchett Heath saw good numbers of Chiffchaff ringed along with 2 Cetti’s Warbler and an adult male Dartford Warbler. There were 3 Sandwich Tern out in the harbour and 3 Black-necked Grebe in Studland Bay.
Happy New Year everyone! What a way to start the year, with a near force 10 gale. Thankfully…
Find out moreWith the final day of the year upon us, it’s good to look back reflect back on whats…
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