
Harbour Update – posted 09/07/16

Things are picking up nicely as each day goes by with more and more birds arriving. On the Brownsea Lagoon Redshank numbers reached 90 whilst 3 summer plumaged Spotted Redshank appeared, also on the lagoon were 3 Greenshank, 3 Dunlin, 45 Black-tailed Godwit and a reported Arctic Tern. At Lytchett Fields an adult female type Marsh Harrier made quick work of a Moorhen chick whilst ‘upping’ the 250+ Black-tailed Godwit at the same time along with 2 Dunlin, 60+ Redshank, 20+ Lapwing, 1 Greenshank and 1 Green Sandpiper. The Arne café Nightjar continued to please the crowds as it sat all day sleeping, preening and occasionally calling. The 2 Firecrest were again singing in the Arne car park. 

Nightjar – Arne Cafe

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 View from Sherford Viewpoint – Lytchett Fields

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 View from French’s Viewpoint – Lytchett Fields

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