
Harbour Update – posted 09/04/20

Was it really only April 9th today? It could have been July 9th as the sun beamed down and as the light SE wind blew. It reached 20 degrees in some parts of Dorset today and long may it continue. Positivity is much need at the moment and nothing brightens a nations mood than a good sunny bank holiday…well, normally!

This morning our current star of the show, female Osprey CJ7 made her debut (online) TV appearance when we were invited to host a video on Chris Packhams daily morning wildlife show ‘The Self Isolation Bird Blub’ You can watch the whole show HERE (as it’s all great), but if it’s Osprey info you’d like, you can skip to 26:30 and see our piece. Huge thanks to Meg and Chris for inviting us on, it was great to be able to give the project this boost and allow so many people to witness the magic!

CJ7 displayed some interesting behaviour both on and off the nest today. She had actually been ‘doing the rounds’ early morning and had been present on a different harbour nest platform about 10 minutes before arriving on the webcam. She then spent most of the late morning bringing a few large sticks to the nest and some dry moss too, before disappearing off for a feed in the afternoon. It seems any time between 6am and midday is a good time to tune in, but her behaviour will change as the days and weeks progress, so lets see what happens. We also mentioned yesterday the presence of a SECOND Osprey that’s also in the harbour currently. We sure it’s ‘Beaky’ and she too has taken up semi-residence on a harbour platform and is currently looking settled. How long she’ll stay for is any ones guess but LS7 better hurry up soon!

Other sightings from across the harbour today included a good pulse of Swallow north with many people logging them whilst out on their health walks. Another Osprey, this time a migrant was seen heading north over Upton in the early afternoon and yet more Red Kites were logged at Wareham Forest, Upton, Branksome, Ashley Cross, Parkstone, Poole Town and Canford Heath. A Cuckoo was calling in Wareham Forest, a couple of Tree Pipit were back on territory and a male Wheatear were present. At Lytchett Bay the first Reed Warbler of the spring was singing and Bearded Tit were on territory. A couple of migrating Tree Pipit were logged, one over Lytchett Matravers at night, and one arriving in over Alum Chine. Then, to top things off, what was assumed to be Tuesdays White Stork over Wareham was seen again in the Frome Valley near Holmebridge.

Female Osprey CJ7 on other harbour platform this AM prior to arriving on the nest cam

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