
Harbour Update – posted 09/04/17

No rain as of yet but there were more Osprey with one over Slepe Heath first thing, carrying a fish and another seen over Arne later in the day. Also at Slepe Heath 2 Tree Pipit passed over north and a Marsh Harrier was out over the mouth of the Frome Valley with a male seen from the Coombe viewpoint too. On Lytchett Fields 2 Little Ringed Plover were on Sherford Pools. At Swineham, the springs first Sedge Warbler was along the footpath with now 2 Reed Warbler along the river path walk, also 6 Blackcap singing, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Swallow (surely more to follow soon??) and a single Siskin. At Challow Hill, it was much of the same too with Yellowhammer, Chiffchaff, 1 Willow Warbler, several Blackcap, Linnet and a couple of Dartford Warbler. At Middlebere a Marsh Harrier flew past the hide and both Black-tailed Godwit and Grey Plover were out on the mud. At South Haven, Studland a Whimbrel passed north calling and just 3 Swallow went through. There were still 4 Brent Geese in Brands Bay.

Yellowhammer – Challow Hill – Nick Mudge

Chiffchaff – Arne – Keith Rawling

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