
Harbour Update – posted 08/05/17

Today we completed our survey of ‘Gull Islands’ and despite no evidence of egging which we’re thrilled about, the number of nests counted was still very low. However, having spoken to other wardens on the south coast of Britain who are monitoring other Black-headed Gull and Med Gull colonies, the general consensus seems to be that the breeding season is a minimum of 2 weeks late, which would add up from what we’ve counted over the last couple of days. With this in mind we’re considering a re-survey in a couple of weeks time to hopefully get a more accurate count. The Hen Harrier was again out over towards Swineham.  There were several reports of Spotted Flycatcher today with birds on Upton Heath, Arne, Slepe Heath, Middlebere and South Haven. At Lytchett Fields the wader count consisted of 6 Dunlin, 9 Greenshank, 2 Whimbrel, 108 Black-tailed Godwit and 4 Swift. The warm weather got Hobby active again hunting high above Arne Moors, Arne RSPB reserve and Slepe Heath. A single Whinchat was on Hartland. Cuckoo’s were heard and seen at Swineham, Hartland, Slepe Heath and Upton Heath. 

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