
Harbour Update – posted 07/09/22

A productive morning visit to Brand’s Bay featured an Osprey in dead tree opposite the hide, 4 Curlew Sandpiper, 1 Knot, 62 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Sanderling, 6 Pintail, 4 Wigeon, 4 Brent Geese, 1 female Peregrine, c300 Sand Martin, 2 Wheatear, plus plenty of CurlewRedshank and Teal. A later visit in the afternoon upped the Curlew Sandpiper count to an impressive 12! Wildfowl numbers continue to increase slowly across the harbour, but passage waders are firmly rooted as the main theme with Brownsea Lagoon featured 22 Spoonbill, 5 Avocet, 6 Ringed Plover, 68 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Knot, 11 Greenshank and small numbers of Curlew, Dunlin and Sandwich Tern. Two Osprey were logged over Gigger’s Island, Wareham Channel with one catching a fish at 10AM and a late Swift was clocked over Ridge. Lytchett Bay produced 3 Curlew Sandpiper on the high tide roost on the Fields, accompanied by a minimum of 17 Greenshank, an adult Cattle Egret and 3 Spotted Redshank. An early doors visit to Baiter Park offered 54 Oystercatcher, a lone Black-tailed Godwit and 200+ Starling. This evening male Osprey 022 was seen again on a harbour nest platform.

Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper – Lytchett Bay – Pete Corbin (@petey632)

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