
Harbour Update – posted 07/05/16

Firstly, a round up of our night recording session from our listening station in Old Town Poole on Friday where quite a bit of stuff was on the move. Most interesting was a series of 56 passerine calls between 1am and 3am which we think could have been Spotted Flycatcher, which fits with the fact there was quite a fall yesterday along the west coat of Britain. Out of the 56 calls, most were very similar, but there were others that were starkly different, so what they were is currently any ones guess. Also recorded were 4 Dunlin, 1 Turnstone, 6 Common Sandpiper, 3 Whimbrel, 3 Ringed Plover, 4 Oystercatcher, 1 Coot and 3 Tree Pipit. At Lytchett Fields the Ruff remained on Sherford Pools and an Osprey flew over whilst around 10am 3 Red Kite drifted over to the west above the Bakers Arms. From Slepe Heath, 2 Hobby were hunting over Arne Moors and a Cuckoo was on top of the Slepe Heath Ridge with 2 Tree Pipit singing on a nearby heath. There was a late Dark-bellied Brent Goose (presumed injured or ill) off Fitzworth with 7 Bar-tailed Godwit, 6 Whimbrel and a Yellow Wagtail over. According to a surveyor there are a number of Nightjar back on the private Rempstone Site, meaning places like Arne and Slepe should be getting busy with the species soon too. At South Haven a Guillemot and 2 Razorbill were out in the Bay, but best was a Little Tern out fishing with Common and Sandwich Terns. Frustratingly a Black-winged Stilt was reported flying over Morden Bog from the harbour direction meaning it could have been in the harbour somewhere, or at the very least flown over it! 

Ruff – Lytchett Fields – Paul Morton



Black Redstart – Lytchett Bay (yesterday) – Clive Hargrave


Dunlin – Calls of a passing night migrant – Old Town Poole Listening Station

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