
Harbour Update – posted 07/02/15

Although still cold, the wind eased throughout the day and some nice sightings were reported. There are now 6 different Hen Harrier in the harbour, 3 males and 3 females two of which are new in over the last two days. There were three separate sightings of Bittern at Swineham this evening, representing possibly one, two or possibly three individuals due to the different locations and timings of each sighting. Firecrests seem to be getting active again with the birds in the Arne car park showing off quite well. The Spoonbill gathering on Shipstal is still present with 23 birds present. A flock of 100+ Fieldfare were in one of the fields along Soldiers Road, the most I’ve seen this winter.  In Holes Bay 2 Spoonbill were at the outflow along with 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Kingfisher and a Grey Wagtail.

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