
Harbour Update – posted 05/07/23

A Red Kite was seen over Lytchett Fields this morning, with 1 Whimbrel on the pools as well as 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Green Sandpiper, 4 Redshank, 7 Curlew and 1 Lapwing. 1 White-tailed Eagle was seen from Ham Common viewpoint over the Wareham Channel this morning, and 1 Osprey was present in the Middlebere Channel in the afternoon. In Holes Bay, 40 Black-tailed Godwit were counted. Our Sunset Safari this evening yielded a whole range of species including 2 Eider and 2 Common Sandpiper off Furzey Island, 14 Bar-tailed Godwit off Green Island, 1 Spoonbill, 1 Spotted Redshank, 2 Marsh Harrier, c200 Black-tailed Godwit and 2 (distant) White-tailed Eagle in the Wareham Channel. There were also still reasonable numbers of Sandwich and Common Tern hunting near Brownsea and the male Peregrine was on the Poole docks crane when we arrived back at the quay.

Whimbrel, Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam


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