
Harbour Update – posted 04/11/15

The rain continues to be a wet inconvenience but small bits of coverage from around the harbour still trickle in. A Woodlark was seen migrating over South Haven at dawn. 5 Common Scoter also entered the harbour early doors and a dark looking Peregrine also passed by. A Brambling at Boarder Road brought Lytchett Bays year total up to 157 species, equaling the best ever total for the site. There was also a Firecrest at Lytchett Bay and  good numbers of the usual species out on the wet fields. A Short-eared Owl was out across Arne moors and a ringtail Hen Harrier was seen from Middlebere. There seem to be separate Spoonbill flocks now with birds roosting at Shipstal, Middlebere and Brownsea on the high tides. A Magpie roost at Hatch Pond consisted of 91 individuals.

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