
Harbour Update – posted 04/09/21

It seems as though the short break in the cloudy weather yesterday led to a clear out of many of the migrant Ospreys using Poole Harbour as a stopover, as there was very little activity from the cruise this morning. There was, however, 1 Osprey feeding on a dead snag near Hyde’s Heath at Arne this morning, as well as further 2 seen from Coombe Heath, and another seen hunting in Lytchett Bay. The cruise was otherwise successful, with a Marsh Harrier and plenty of Sandwich Tern seen over the Wareham Channel, as well as the highlight of a Cattle Egret at Swineham, which first noted to have arrived on Thursday evening. Also from Coombe Heath this morning, were 2 Spoonbill, 40 Avocet, c.1,300 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Grey Plover and 1 Peregrine, with 15 further Spoonbill reported at Shipstal. Elsewhere, a female Goshawk was reported over Stoborough Heath and Slepe Heath this morning. At Lytchett Bay, a Lesser Whitethroat and Redstart were also reported.

Cattle Egret – Swineham – Roly Pitts


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