
Harbour Update – posted 04/08/22

A small but noticeable arrival of migrants today saw an increase in Willow Warbler numbers across the harbour, with Spotted Flycatchers and Common Whitethroats also picked up at various sites including Wytch Farm and Soldiers Road. The first early returning juvenile Black-tailed Godwits (4) were logged at Lytchett Fields this morning. To the east, Holes Bay recorded 2 Whimbrel among the 46 Curlew as well as 77 Black-tailed Godwit, 92 Redshank, and 41 Little Egret. There were also 2 Cattle Egret at Lytchett Fields.

If you’re interested in learning about and getting a closer look at some of the common early autumn migrants passing through the harbour at the moment, our bird ringing demonstrations at Careys Secret Garden this Saturday and Wednesday offer the perfect opportunity to go through key ID features up close. We’ll be exploring how to quickly recognise each species in the field while talking through and showcasing the importance of the ringing scheme and how it contributes to our understanding of migrations, population changes and survival rates. Events details available on our website here.

Spotted Flycatcher – Wytch Farm – Rob Johnson (@RobJohn72810618)

Willow Warbler – Wytch Farm – Rob Johnson (@RobJohn72810618)

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