
Harbour Update – posted 04/02/17

Well the storm passed pretty quickly leaving behind it a settled enjoyable day with some good birds. At the PC World drain a Siberian Chiffchaff was fairly vocal and several of the over-wintering Common Chiffchaff were in full song giving a lovely early spring vibe. It was also a day of re-discoveries as the Great Grey Shrike reappeared on Slepe Heath and at Lytchett Fields the Green-winged Teal was back too. In Lytchett Bay a Goosander was out feeding and there were Great Northern Divers in Shell Bay, off Middle Beach and in South Deep and Black-necked Grebes were spread across Middle beach (4), Shell Bay (2) and Bramble Bush Bay (1). Spoonbills were at Arne with 14 there and 2 in the Frome mouth. In Poole Harbour west Hen Harriers were seen near Swineham Point and Arne, a male Merlin was on Hartland and Marsh Harrier totals are now back up to 5. There have also been good counts of Lapwing in some of the flooded areas with 600 in the lower Frome Valley and Middlebere which in turn attracted the attention of Peregrine at both sites. The 14 Barnacle Geese were back on Swineham GP. We also received a photo of a Snow Bunting on Studland Beach from January 24th which we assume is the same bird that flew over the same area just a few days ago, indicating that it had been around for at least a week. 

Snow Bunting – Studland Beach – 24/01/17 – John Linfoot

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