
Harbour Update – posted 03/10/19

A flock of 20+ Bearded Tit was recorded in the reedbeds between Pools Field and Lytchett Bay along with a single Marsh Harrier. A Peregrine bombing through Lytchett Fields flushed a lone Bar-tailed Godwit and newly arrived juvenile Spotted Redshank. A probable Merlin was also seen flying west across the Wareham by-pass early afternoon.

Holes Bay remains the place to see Osprey at the moment! This morning saw 3 different individuals over the Bay, a brilliant total for one place in early October! A glimpse of the disturbed gulls from Poole Quay warranted a quick scan with the binoculars and produced another Osprey soaring over the boat yard heading west towards Wareham Channel.

Holes Bay also harboured 1 Kingfisher, c400 Wigeon and 1 Brent Goose, an unusual sighting as Studland Bay typically hosts early returning birds in October.

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