
Harbour Update – posted 03/06/24

More sunny weather in the harbour today with lots of the floodplains beginning to dry out now. 1 female Marsh Harrier was quartering over Wareham Common this afternoon. 1 Osprey was seen off Swineham Point, presumably 022, but there was some alarm calling this afternoon at the Osprey Nest, suggesting that another bird is still in the area and briefly intruding at the nest. At Lytchett Bay,  there was 1 very late Wheatear, 11 Ringed Plover and 4 Avocet on French’s Field as well as at least 1 male Nightjar on Lytchett Heath. Plenty of Sandwich Tern and Common Tern nests starting to hatch chicks on the Brownsea Lagoon as seen in the picture below. 1 Cuckoo was singing and several Nightjar were at Slepe Heath this evening.

Sandwich Tern with chicks – Brownsea Lagoon – Nicki T on X

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