
Harbour Update – posted 03/05/20

Early May has the potential to turn up absolutely anything, absolutely anywhere. Dream May birds tend to be species like Golden Oriole, Bee-eaters and Red-backed Shrikes. Who knows, maybe even a cheeky Roller? We know everyone is in lockdown but there are still instances in Poole Harbour where these exciting species have been encountered from peoples gardens, for example a group of 3 Bee-eater over a Broadstone garden in May 2009 and a singing male Golden Oriole in Studland Village in May 1967. Ok, these are pretty exceptional records, but hey, you need to have some sort of focus and level of expectation as the lockdown continues.

Today no such luck but a nice flurry of waders were encountered at Lytchett Fields with 12 Whimbrel, c20 Dunlin, 3 Curlew, 1 Redshank and 1 Peregrine came down for a quick meal whilst the local Tawny Owl chicks there are making good progress in the box. At Swineham 2 Cuckoo were singing, c15 Swift were over the main pit and over Slepe Heath 2 Hobby were seen. In Holes Bay NE 4 Whimbrel were feeding and Reed and Sedge Warbler were logged along the northern reedbed fringe. An early dawn listen session from north Poole heard Common Sandpiper, Whimbrel and Curlew traveling north, with a Cuckoo also heard in northern Poole and an Osprey was seen along the Ower shoreline. A Common Crossbill was seen on Meryick Park golf course and Lesser Whitethroat and 1 Wheatear were on the outskirts of Wareham near the Wareham Walls.

Tawny Owl chicks – Lytchett Bay

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