
Harbour Update – posted 01/12/17

Today a male Hen Harrier was back in the harbour again, seen bombing around with the ringtail female in the Wareham Channel area, also c250 Avocet were feeding in the Wareham Channel. At Lytchett Bay there were 2 Water Pipit near the viewpoints at Lytchett Fields, several Bearded Tit were seen from Lytchett Bay viewing mound and a male Merlin was out on a plucking post in the bay its self. Another male Merlin was at the Middlebere layby at dusk. Our first chance to properly survey Arne Farm this winter for Woodcock produced 3 new birds ringed and 6-7 individuals seen. From a school bird boat a drake Goosander was seen in Newton Bay. In the Arne car park 2 Firecrest were seen well near the visitors hut. Spoonbills are still showing nicely in Holes Bay NE on the low tide. 

One of three Woodcock ringed – Arne Farm – Paul Morton

Bearded Tit – Lytchett Bay view – Ian Ballam

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