
Harbour Update – posted 01/09/24

Pretty grey and overcast all day, with a couple of heavy downpours, but the birding was Ok. The first 2 Pintail of the autumn arrived in Middlebere and there were 6 Wigeon there too. The Brownsea Lagoon held 31 Spoonbill, there were 3-4 Osprey in the Wareham Channel where both White-tailed Eagles were settled all day. At the Carey Secret Garden ringing station 8 Yellow Wagtail and a Whinchat were ringed along with 4 Grasshopper Warbler, 10 Blackcap and 7 Sedge Warbler, with Blackcap outnumbering Sedge Warbler for the first time this autumn period, which is typical for early September. Over the last 5 days a new White-tailed Eagle has been present in the harbour, G486 was seen today on the edge of Brands Bay. Over the Frome Valley last night at Stoborough a ‘noc-mig’ (nocturnal migration) sound recording session produced a flock of Sanderling, Grey Plover, Turnstone and Wigeon calls.

Whinchat – Carey Secret Garden ringing station 


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