
Harbour Update – posted 01/08/22

We received late news of a migrant Osprey at Morden Bog yesterday meaning the return autumn migration has now begun. August is peak Osprey migration month with the latter part of August seeing the most intense passage. Without doubt the best places to look for Osprey from the shore are the Middlebere Channel, Coombe Heath at RSPB Arne, Lytchett Bay and of course, their favourite hunting ground the Wareham Channel which can be viewed from Ham Common, Hydes Heath at Arne or, from one of our Osprey Cruises which start on August 19th. 

Almost as rare as breeding Osprey are over-summering dark-bellied Brent Geese but the 3 at Brands Bay have held tight all summer, avoiding kayakers, dog walkers and sun burn. Common Gull numbers are increasing already with 11 in Brands Bay today along with 3 Whimbrel and 53 Curlew. At Lytchett Fields there were some decent counts of 13 Greenshank, 15 Green Sandpiper and 6 Common Sandpiper. There were singles of Marsh Harrier and Hobby active on the edge of the Wareham Channel viewed from Hydes Heath.

Spotted Flycatcher – Soldiers Road

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