
Harbour Update – posted 27/02/23

Another cold one today….blooming freezing in fact, but still plenty going on. We had another Winter Safari Cruise this AM which headed up the Wareham Channel first, where we happened upon a new White-tailed Eagle arrival with male G816 who’s been in Devon quite a lot recently, but had returned to Dorset yesterday afternoon. He was on Keysworth before lifting off and headed soared over towards Wareham. By the time we’d finished our trip 2 hours later, he was in Weymouth! Also at the top end of the Wareham Channel were 3 Marsh Harrier and a Red Kite. The White-tailed Eagle pair, G466 and G463 were in the harbour briefly this morning, but headed over the Ballard ridge and seemed to track south. This evening 3 Cattle Egret headed across Lytchett Bay, heading towards the Holes Bay roost, and there were anther 2 in a field next to the Worgret Manor roundabout near the Purbeck sports centre. Also at Lytchett Bay were 2 Spotted Redshank and 1 in Middlebere. There were 3 Common Scoter off Hamworthy Beach, 3 Black-necked Grebe were in Studland Bay and at Norden Sewage Works 10+ Common Chiffchaff were enjoying the sun.

Last remaining Dark-bellied Brent Geese – Rempstone shoreline – Alison Copland

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