
Harbour Update – posted 08/01/21

A quick overview today. Most notably the increase in the number of wildfowl that are using Little Sea currently which today stood at 477 Wigeon, 81 Pintail, 17 Teal and 27 Shoveler. This is a marked increase since the dire situation the areas been in over the last 10-15 years. Maybe the National Trusts efforts of removing the carp are already paying dividends? Long may the recovery continue! Also today 2 Slavonian Grebe 4 Scaup, 3 Great Northern Diver, 19 Goldeneye, 31 Red-breasted Merganser and 2 Common Scoter were off Jerrys Point. The Common Sandpiper at Holes Bay was becoming a bit braver and was even seen walking along the main cycle path during the morning!

Common Sandpiper – Holes Bay – Ian Ballam

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