
Harbour update – 06/12/17

The Stilt Sandpiper was again on Brownsea Lagoon – could it still be getting out into the Middlebere channel occasionally? 3 Great White Egret were still in the harbour and are best viewed from Coombe Heath on Arne RSPB. A couple of Great Northern Diver were off Brownsea quay as was a Black-necked Grebe and there’s a good chance that numbers of both may increase after Storm Caroline has passed through. During the day there were 23 Spoonbill on Brownsea Lagoon with 22 in the Wareham Channel as dusk fell. 3 different Hen Harrier were seen in the west of the harbour late afternoon. A large number of Dunlin totalling 2,490 were on Brownsea Lagoon which will disperse to other areas of the harbour to feed during low tides such as Holes Bay/Upton CP where they can be viewed close to the cycle paths. Likewise, there was a high count of 225 Grey Plover on the lagoon that probably head out to Brand’s Bay to feed. 2 Golden Plover on Lytchett Fields RSPB was a rare sight there and just across the river a Green Sandpiper was in front of the Holton Lee hide. A Water Pipit was also seen at Holton Lee with at least 1 still on the Pools Fields at Lytchett Bay RSPB. 23 Lesser Redpoll were voraciously feeding in trees directly behind the new hide at Holton Lee.  A single Hawfinchwas seen on Brownsea near the church so be sure to check your local churchyard! An early evening Woodcock survey at Arne Farm saw 4 birds logged and two new birds ringed, both of which were 1st winter birds. 


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