
Harbour Update – posted 04/01/21

Very quiet from across the harbour today with many people now back to work and Christmas holidays over. The news that 2 Red-crested Pochard arrived at Longham Lakes today highlights that birds are still moving and responding to the cold weather and that there’s still a possibility of species like Smew turning up, or simply an increase in common duck species and some winter ‘grey’ geese? Highlights today saw 2 Firecrest in Poole Park behind the model railway hut, also 1 Great White Egret at Holmebridge, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier at Middlebere along with the Merlin on the post at dusk. A night-time survey returned c20 Woodcock on the top fields at Hartland, 8 Jack Snipe and 7 Skylark. At the PCW Drain there were 5 Common Chiffchaff and 1 Great Northern Diver off Baiter. The male Pochard was still on Holme Lane GP.

Pochard – Holme Lane GP – Garry Hayman

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