
Don’t Jack it in; it’s just getting started – posted 13/10/13

There have been some huge Redwing totals from various places around the country with figures like 55’000 birds over Kent in one morning and 17’000 over Slimbridge yesterday morning. Things have been mildly slower in the harbour with totals of only just over 100 passing over various places such as Lytchett Bay, South Haven and Arne. Redwing can be heard calling overhead on most evenings at the moment, so if you haven’t gone and stood out in your back garden at 10pm to listen…a true sign winter is almost here! Surely a big Thrush movement is due in the harbour over the next few days.

Other highlights have included a late Hobby over Lytchett Bay with 4 Stonechat there a single Mistle Thrush, 1 Fieldfare, 7 Blackbird and 3 Song Thrush over.

At Sunnyside a late Whinchat, 3 lingering House Martin, 4 Chiffchaff, 100+ Linnet, 8 Skylark, 1 Dartford Warbler, and a very pale morph Buzzard. 

At Arne 30 Spoonbill continued to impress, also there 28 Pintail, 4 Brent Geese, 18 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Grey Plover, 1 Sandwich Tern, and excellent numbers of Teal, Wigeon, Oystercatcher, Little Egret, Redshank and Black-tailed Godwit.

Jack Snipe were recorded at Lytchett Bay, Swineham and Arne Moors with a male Hen Harrier at the latter.

In Brands Bay 1 female Common Scoter, 1 Greenshank and a Knot. With the Wytch Channel supporting 2 Spoonbill and an impressive 14 Spotted Redshank.

Off South beach, Studland six Black-necked Grebe have returned and there were six Ring-necked Parakeets in the area.

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