
Changing Seasons – 26/02/14

Spring continues to force its self upon us with 3 Sand Martin in off the sea in Weymouth yesterday. Typically Sand Martin, Little Ringed Plover, Garganey and Wheatear are the first to arrive back with Ring Ouzel and Chiffchaff very close behind.  Its worth checking any open body of fresh water like Poole Park Lakes or Swineham GP for feeding Sand Martin and checking open short grassy areas for feeding Wheatear and possibly Ring Ouzel. Other signs of spring include the partially summer plumaged Slavonian Grebe in Studland Bay yesterday and a few of the Black-necked Grebe also starting to show signs of moulting. At a private site in the south west of the harbour 2 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker were observed along with Marsh Tit, 12 Crossbill and a handful of Lesser Redpoll. At Lytchett Bay the Water Pipit remained on the pools field along with 11 littoralis Rock Pipit, 1 Green Sandpiper, 4 Greenshank and 53 Avocet. At Arne at least 17 Spoonbill are still present, and 2 different Marsh Harrier were seen at there are still at least 4 Hen Harrier in the harbour. 10 Marsh Harrier were again observed leaving the roost but 2 were witnessed flying off high south-east towards Ballard. The 3 Scaup were present again on Swineham GP and over 100 each of both Shoveler and Gadwall and 2 tristis Chiffchaff and 2 colybita Chiffchaff. Off Ower the Surf Scoter was still present along with 3 Great Northern Diver, 3 Black-necked Grebe, 61 Knot and 65 Grey Plover. In Poole Park the redhead Goosander remains along with 7 Goldeneye and 2 Blackcap (one singing). On Brownsea a Firecrest was near the castle and a pair of Yellow-legged Gull were on the lagoon. From Banks Road, Sandbanks yesterday 42 Sanderling, c100 Bar-tailed Godwit and also a Great Northern Diver off one of the groynes. 

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