
Birds of Poole Harbour HQ Volunteering Opportunity….

Passionate about Poole Harbour and its bird life? Like talking to people about the beauty of Poole Harbour and the surrounding area? You could be just who we’re looking for to help volunteer in our new Birds of Poole Harbour HQ which opens on March 1st 2018. We’re looking for a small team of enthusiastic, knowledgable and dedicated volunteers to help build our charity presence around Poole Harbour with volunteer roles in our new HQ on Poole Quay. If you’re interested and think this could be for you please email us at and we’ll get a volunteer role specification form out to you right away!

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Harbour Update – posted 07/09/24

What started off as a promising day, with overcast sky’s and an easterly air flow, soon descended into…

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Harbour Update – posted 06/09/24

Despite the rain, which ended up lasting aaaallllllll day, there was still plenty of great birding top be…

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