

Not much coverage from the last couple of days with a cold northeasterly blasting most places around the harbour. This morning Lytchett Bay had a decent sized finch flock in the large arable filed to the north of the bay which contained Brambling, Chaffinch, Reed Bunting, Goldfinch and Greenfinch. Also out on the water 9 Little Grebe, 7 Red-breasted Merganser, 28 Brent Geese and 32 Shelduck. Med Gull numbers are rising in the harbour with birds obvious at Baiter Park most mornings. Also there the over-wintering Sandwich Tern keeps putting in an appearance. Hen Harriers continue to be seen at Middlebere and Swineham. Arne Moors saw Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl and Peregrine all hunting at the same time on Tuesday evening. Two Woodcock and a Tawny Owl were seen early morning at Soldiers Road, with a Woodlark in full song there too. 6 Spoonbill were in Middlebere with a Merlin dashing across the path there.

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