

Not many areas covered today. Baiter Park had 1 Great Northern Diver, 4 Goldeneye, 6 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Great Crested Grebe and 27 Brent Geese on the patch of water in-between the beach and Parkstone Yacht Club. The female Long-tailed Duck is still off Shipstal Point Arne. An interesting record has come to light of 49 Sanderling on January 6th 2013 at Shore Road Sandbanks. This may not seem significant but considering the record count for Sanderling in Poole Harbour during the winter is 57 which occurred in the 1939-40 winter, this makes this recent count of 49 the second highest ever winter record. The spring record is 112 in May 1953 (Shell Bay). There also seems to be a vast increase of Snipe in Dorset with many wetland areas counting larger than normal totals. For example Lytchett Bay alone counted 132 on Monday 7th Jan in just a few hours.

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