Osprey Project25/01/2018

Osprey Chick LS7 Seen in Western Senegal

On Jan 23rd we received some exciting news from our project partners in the Poole Harbour Osprey translocation project.

 Tim Mackrill from the Roy Dennis Foundation received news from a warden friend of his in Western Senegal that one of our chicks from the 2017 release, LS7, has been seen safe and well in the Sine-Saloum Delta. This is just brilliant. This area is a well know Osprey over-wintering hot spot that Tim has visited before in which he states “you couldn’t choose to be anywhere better during the winter if you’re an Osprey than there…LS7 has chosen well”

To describe and highlight just how good this location is Tim has written an excellent blog post on the Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation website.

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