
Harbour Update – posted 07/01/23

Absolute belter of a cruise this afternoon – our first trip of the year focussed on those 2023 year lists and it didn’t disappoint! Before we’d even set off Kingfisher and Turnstone had made it onto the species list, quickly followed up with Great Northern Diver, Grey Seal and an impressive range of wetland species on Brownsea Lagoon – with highlights including 150 Avocet, 2 Grey Plover, 30 Bar-tailed Godwit and 1500 Black-tailed Godwit. As we continuing around the back of the islands we quickly encountered more Great Northern Divers (finishing on 10 in total), 3 Eider, 1 Common Scoter, 4 Black-necked Grebe, a smart male Goldeneye, 3 Spoonbill and near constant views of Red-breasted Merganser and Great Crested Grebe. After scouring the southern shorelines we set off west for the Wareham Channel where we picked up 5 Marsh Harrier and 3 Little Grebe, nearly making it to Swineham Gravel Pit to add some additional duck species before a stonking adult male Hen Harrier stole the show and diverted our attention, tracking the bird for a prolonged period over Gigger’s Island and Arne Moors – magic! The return journey offered nice views of a small group of the 1500 or so Dark-belled Brent Geese logged from the trip and an additional 5 Spoonbill feeding in the channel. A stunning trip with Poole Harbour at it’s best!

Elsewhere, a Ruff occupied Lytchett Fields, feeding with the Common Redshank and an hour’s watch from the new Rock Lea Watch Point, Lytchett Bay produced 2 Spotted Redshank from the screen along with 2 Firecrest, also 2 Marsh Harrier, 50 Linnet, 1 Shoveler, 5 Red-breasted Merganser, Avocets and Little Grebes. While the neightbouring Holes Bay clocked up 712 Wigeon, 154 Shoveler, c50 Teal & 21 Pintail in the NW sector. An early start enjoyed a single Red-throated Diver arrive into harbour, headed in Brands Bay direction.

Keen to get your year list off to a flying start, or just want to enjoy Poole Harbour at its wintery peak? There’s still spaces on our new Year-list Kick-starter Cruises. Our next trips are running next week and more details about our full schedule can be found here.

Spotted Redshanks – Rock Lea viewing screen 

Curlew – Sandbanks – @00MrWilson00

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