
Harbour Update – posted 20/09/22

Lovely start to the day with our first Bearded Tit Ringing Demo of the autumn. Just the 2 Bearded Tit ringed this morning amongst a steady stream of other passerines, including Sedge, Reed, Cetti’s, and Grasshopper Warbler, and Goldcrest. 1 Marsh Harrier was active over the reedbed during the demonstration, as well as a Sparrowhawk amongst a large movement of Meadow Pipit. At Lytchett Fields, a White-tailed Eagle was present this morning, as well as a juvenile Peregrine putting in a few appearances, flushing the waders, though a Little Stint was later seen dropping in and later in the day the sites first Ruff of the autumn finally appeared

Numbers of Spoonbill are still steadily climbing with 61 counted on the Brownsea Lagoon this morning. 70+ Avocet were also reported, along with large numbers of Redshank, Teal, Gadwall, Shoveler and Black-tailed Godwit across the lagoon. An Osprey has been seen over Holes Bay today, landing on Pergins Island both this morning and later this afternoon. Finally, 2 Whimbrel were spotted at the base of Old Harry rocks earlier this afternoon.

We still have some spaces available on our Autumn Safari tomorrow morning, if you want to make the most of the recent weather. Tickets can be booked through our website here.

Goldcrest – Lytchett Bay Nature Reserve

Bearded Tit (female left, male right) – Lytchett Bay Nature Reserve

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