
Harbour Update – posted 27/08/22

Another day of Osprey Cruises did not disappoint, with birds active through the day. The conditions were super still, and the morning’s charter set out into the blazing sun – ideal hunting conditions, or so we thought?! We made a beeline for the Wareham Channel and were quickly met by a (hopeless) hunting Osprey. The glare of the sun off the water must have made fishing a real challenge and we were treated to prolonged views of over a dozen failed attempts before the bird finally gave up, taking a rest along the Arne peninsula! The afternoon enjoyed a successful fishing attempt, alongside Marsh Harrier, 2 close fly-by Hobby, 2 Common Sandpiper and 2 1st-winter Spoonbill. Poole Quay also featured a Wheatear and Kingfisher as we returned by from the trips. A juvenile Osprey was also out testing out and fine tuning their new fishing skills over the Wareham Channel, likely our fledged young 5H1. At Lytchett Bay, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover was of note on the Fields and White-tailed Eagle G801 briefly perched up in an oak tree in the Bay. A single Cattle Egret flew over the Bay late afternoon, and a Wheatear perched on the gate by French’s Cattle trough. Middlebere Channel featured 2 Spotted Redshank this morning, while Brownsea Lagoon enjoyed 2 Curlew Sandpiper and 32 Spoonbill.

Un-ringed Osprey – Lytchett Bay – Mark Wright

 Landscape featuring Osprey hunting over the Wareham Channel with Corfe Castle in the backdrop
Taken from Osprey Cruise – Ian Laidlaw (Twitter: @SaturdayKids)

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