
Harbour Update – posted 12/07/22

This morning, female White-tailed Eagle G801 was once again back in her favoured area of the Wareham Channel, flying over the gull islands, but sadly the male she was with yesterday morning, G812, had already left the area by this morning and traveled back north……..However. Having gone back to a favoured area further north, only to realise the female he’d been hanging out with there had gone, he promptly did a u-turn this evening and arrived back in the Wareham Channel to hook up with G801 again! So we once again have 2 White-tailed Eagles back again….but for how long this time? Hopefully longer than 12 hours. This evening we had a private bird boat charter which ventured up the Wareham Channel where both White-tailed Eagles were on view, plus, male Osprey 022 was seen to catch a fish, also some of the local Marsh Harrier were active at the top of the channel. There were 7 Common Sandpiper in the mouth of the Frome and c50 Black-tailed Godwit were feeding on the mud. There were 2 of the local Peregrine on the cranes at Poole Quay and off Shipstal 17 juvenile Mediterranean Gull were roosting on the water with the local Black-headed Gulls. On the dried up Swineham scrape there were 5 adult Yellow-legged Gull and 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls. In the Lower Piddle Valley a Hobby and an adult female Kestrel were hunting insects and feeding on the wing. The strangest (and perhaps most worrying) find of the day was an adult Gannet off Redhorn Quay, Brands Bay. If it had been blowing a gale, then perhaps not so unsual, but with Bird flu about, could it potentially be a sick individual?

White-tailed Eagles G801 and G812 – Wareham Channel 

Juv Mediterranean Gull – Shipstal Point

Our Poole Harbour Osprey family looking grand on the webcam this afternoon

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